Friday, March 26, 2010

The Uneventful Discovery

March 5, 2010. I had just finished the final interview for a new job I was eyeing, and I was anticipating that the job offer will come the following week. I was already planning how I will tell my boss that I'm resigning, when I suddenly remembered that my period has not come yet. It has been 35 days since my last. Granted, I'm very irregular - it has happened more than once that my period comes somewhere between days 40 and 45. But I am planning to move to a new job, and pregnancy might be a consideration there, so I thought it best to "rule it out".

That night, before I went to bed, I got one of my stock pregnancy test kits from the closet, plus a plastic disposable cup. I placed them on my nightstand so I can remember to do the test with my first morning pee. I went to sleep thinking the chances of me being pregnant are very slim, I'm probably wasting a pregnancy test kit again. Sigh.

March 6, 2010. I woke up at 5;30 a.m. to pee. I'm normally only half-awake when I pee during the night, and on a Saturday, 5:30 a.m. is still very much "during the night" to me. I turned on my bedside lamp and saw the cup and kit, and I was jolted out of sleep. This pee can turn out to be interesting.

So I went to the bathroom, did the test, and decided to wait inside for the result. Three to 5 minutes, right? I fixed the toiletries rack, wiped the sink, and pretty much cleaned up a bit. I was expecting a single line, and I was thinking, come on show up already so I can go back to bed. About a minute later, I glanced at the stick, and I remember the exact thoughts I had at that moment:

huh? Is that a...? No way. No way. No way. Is it really there? It's faint, but it looks like it's there. No way. No way. No way.

I went out of the bathroom with the loudest thump in my chest and the biggest smile on my face. I laid down in bed and hugged my husband, Moks. He's a heavy sleeper, but somehow, he was awaken by my hug. He sleepily asked,




Nothing. Well, not really nothing. I mean, it could be something. I did the test, and it looks like there's a second line there.

Really? Let me see.

I handed him the strip. He's still half-asleep:

Yes, there's definitely a second line there.

He handed the strip back to me and then went back to sleep. Five seconds later, he opened his eyes again, but a lot wider this time.

Wait. Does this mean you're pregnant?

Looks like it.

Neither of us was able to go back to sleep then. We spent the next few hours of that morning alternately looking at the test, mumbling "oh my God", clutching our chests, and grinning at each other.


  1. i like this. a lot. especially after moks realized that you are preggy. :D

  2. sabi ni miguel you're having two babies, a boy and a true?? :D (at kukunin daw namin dahil obsessed ito sa twins!)
